Disseminated on behalf of Graphite One Inc ValueTheMarkets, a trading name of Digitonic Ltd., was compensated by Graphite One Inc fifty thousand US dollars per month for a 12-month period starting 24 April 2024 until 23 April 2025 to produce and disseminate this. Digitonic Ltd. does not own a position in Graphite One Inc
Graphite One Exclusive Investor Update Q3 2024
Graphite One Inc | Listed on: TSX-V: GPH | OTCQX: GPHOF
Graphite is essential to many modern technologies, especially those driving the green transition. As a recognized Critical Mineral¹ by the US Government, graphite is seeing market demand significantly rise. Graphite One Inc (TSX-V: GPH) (OTCQX: GPHOF) is seizing the opportunity this presents.
Watch the video below to get an exclusive shareholder update from CEO and President, Anthony Huston.
Graphite Demand is Soaring
Rapid EV market growth is fueling a surge in demand for graphite. The World Bank Group projects a 494% increase in the graphite market by 2050², while Joe Biden's 100-day report anticipates a 2,500% surge³ in graphite demand by 2040. With political and government support, including grants from the Department of Defense (DoD) and Defense Logistics Agency, plus the steadfast loyalty of stakeholders, Graphite One is on a mission to support the US graphite supply chain. By planning to construct three integrated operational pillars to eventually mine, manufacture and recycle graphite anode materials, G1 seeks to primarily supply the US lithium-ion EV battery market and energy storage systems which are areas seeing resilient growth.
About Graphite One (G1)

Graphite One Inc. (G1) (TSX-V: GPH) (OTCQX: GPHOF), a company pursuing a prominent role in the US graphite space, is developing an all-American battery materials supply chain solution around this critical material. In Alaska, its Graphite Creek project sits on the Seward Peninsula, about 40 miles north of Nome, Alaska – in 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey noted that the Graphite Creek deposit “is among the largest in the world⁴.”
This potentially lucrative property forms the basis of G1's goal of producing anode material for the lithium-ion electric vehicle battery market, energy storage systems and other graphite applications.
G1 is also laying the groundwork for an advanced graphite anode manufacturing plant in Ohio, to be accompanied later by a battery materials recycling facility. Ultimately, the company has ambitious plans to become the first vertically integrated graphite producer to serve the US EV battery market.
As Graphite One moves from development to full-scale production with the continued support of key stakeholders and the government, it strives to reduce US dependency on China for graphite and secure a robust and sustainable American graphite supply. G1’s leadership team boasts experts in mine construction, process design, and operations and the company is committed to maximizing profitability and stakeholder value.

Our Key Points of Differentiation
Mission to Lead the US Graphite Supply Chain
With three planned integrated operational pillars, G1 is on a mission to become a significant player in the US graphite supply chain as its future plans are to mine, process, manufacture, and recycle graphite anode materials. It is anticipated that this will primarily supply the US lithium-ion EV battery market and energy storage systems.
Security of Supply
The US is 100% reliant on imports of natural graphite, with around 70%⁵ coming from China. As the US intensifies efforts to challenge China's graphite market dominance, G1 is establishing the business and connections necessary to enhance supply chain security and economic competitiveness.
Dedicated to Lasting Success
G1 has assembled a team of individuals who are not just capable but are ready to drive business growth and deliver enduring value to stakeholders over the long term. G1’s management team excels in mine construction, process control design, and facility management. Their extensive expertise ensures efficient operations and a commitment to cost efficiency to maximize profitability.
Surging Market Demand
Rapid EV market growth is fueling a surging demand for graphite. The World Bank Group projects a 494% increase in the graphite market by 2050², while Joe Biden's 100-day report anticipates a 2,500% surge in graphite demand by 2040³. G1's Graphite Creek is anticipated to meet escalating material needs while enabling the technology revolution in the green transition. Graphite One is planning to support technological advancements in sustainable energy.
A Key Material for the Tech Revolution
Graphite is a critical element in the making of lithium-ion batteries which power a wide range of modern technologies from smartphones to electric vehicles (EVs). It is also used in multiple military applications and as a foundation for graphene production.
Government Funding Boosts Investor Confidence
Government funding and investments by local and indigenous communities underscore investor confidence in Graphite One's strategy. Department of Defense (DoD) grants and Bering Strait Native Corporation’s investment validate company initiatives. Taiga Mining's investment further highlights trust in G1’s mining projects.
Onshoring Graphite
Graphite One exists to address the critical need for graphite in the renewable energy revolution and the electrification of everything. The US currently relies entirely on imported natural graphite, with about 70%⁵ coming from China, posing significant strategic and economic risks. Graphite One aspires to mitigate this risk by establishing a US-based supply chain, beginning with the Graphite Creek deposit, the largest natural graphite deposit in the country⁴.
The powerful backing of the United States Government validates G1's strategy. That’s because Graphite One has received two substantial Department of Defense (DoD) grants amounting to $42.2M. This includes $37.5M for a feasibility study⁶ and $4.7M for developing a graphite-based foam fire suppressant⁷.
Latest News
July 29, 2024. Graphite One and Lucid Supply Agreement Announced at U.S. Capitol Briefing
July 25, 2024. Graphite One and Lucid Enter into Non-Binding Supply Agreement
June 26, 2024. Graphite One Announces Kick-off of 2024 Field Program
March 20, 2024. Graphite One Selects Ohio’s “Voltage Valley” for Graphite Anode Material Manufacturing Plant
Explore how Graphite One is shaping the future of tech materials for global ingenuity.
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