#Hot biotech stock! Discover how Cybin is revolutionizing mental health care
Cybin is a therapeutics biotech firm targeting the rapidly evolving mental health space in the North American market. This presents an exciting opportunity for investors to get in early.
Cybin has accumulated a library of over 50 molecules.
It is creating second-generation therapeutics using biotechnology.
Improving drug delivery through inhalation, orally disintegrating tablets, and sublingual film.
Reforming dose and duration.
Cybin has raised over $120M and is well-funded to progress its clinical trials, M&A, and IP strategies.
Cybin is undervalued in comparison to its billion-dollar competitors Compass Pathways and MindMed.
#Using a scaffolding approach
Cybin’s ultimate goal is to progress psychedelic therapeutics with the power of biotechnology. The company is enhancing the best mind-expanding compounds to quantify the ideal dose and perfect trip time.
To do this, Cybin is using a molecular scaffolding approach.
It intends to build hybrid therapeutics with optimum capabilities. This will distribute desperately-needed treatments to a wider reach of society.
Meanwhile, it plans to improve the delivery process and lay crucial groundwork for the next generation of mental health treatments.
Doug Drysdale, Cybin CEO, noted:
Over the past five years, Cybin has accumulated a library of over 50 molecules. These are based on the much-coveted mind-enhancing properties of DMT, MDMA, Psilocybin, and other related composites.
#Improving intensity and duration
Classic hallucinogens have proven powerful potential, but they face some pitfalls: their intensity and duration.
Some psychedelic effects last just a few minutes but are wildly intense, causing physical side effects. Others are gentler, take a long time to kick in but hours to wear off.
To have a useful place in society as a viable therapeutic, determining duration and intensity will be a gamechanger.
Here’s where Cybin is making inroads. It enhances the original psychedelic tryptamines (the metabolites that regulate the dopamine and serotonin receptors) to extend or shorten their lives.
With over 700m people suffering from mental health disorders globally today, a solution is desperately needed, and Cybin can help.
This is an opportunity the savvy investor will not want to miss.
CLICK HERE to READ the Cybin investor deck for an inside look at this lucrative opportunity.
#Transforming delivery and formulation
Cybin has several projects in development. In addition to its drug discovery platform, it is researching and developing drug delivery and formulation approaches.
Cybin is innovating the delivery method via inhalation, orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs), and sublingual film.
Inhalation can be a fast-acting way to administer the drug while giving the participant control over treatment intensity.
Cybin’s ODT uses a freeze-drying process that has seamless compatibility with the company’s secret molecule (patent pending).
But Cybin’s main project to date is designing a sublingual film of psilocybin to be administered under the tongue. This allows the drug to enter the bloodstream rapidly, bypassing the GI tract and liver, where oral administration loses potency.
This CYB001 compound has already achieved approval for a Phase II study in major depressive disorders.
Meanwhile, the company is advancing towards a Phase I study for resistant psychiatric disorders. And its anxiety and alcohol use disorder programs are in late-stage preclinical studies.
Furthermore, Cybin is powering the development of a software-based platform to support patient therapies. By collecting vital data from neuroimaging and analytics through machine learning, the company intends to arm clinicians with the necessary data to improve patient outcomes.
#Recurring revenue potential
Cybin’s alcohol use disorder program should also be of particular interest to potential investors.
Sadly, alcohol is a silent killer and the third largest preventable cause of death globally. Therefore, there is a massive addressable market crying out for treatment options that are largely unmet.
Cybin’s solution could potentially eliminate the patient’s craving and dependency for a set period of time. This would be a gamechanger in the battle against addiction. It could lead to recurring revenue for Cybin, and major relief to the destruction alcoholism causes in families and society at large.
Once proven, this therapeutic could be replicated to treat other addictions, such as the mounting opioid crisis and more.
The prominence of recurring revenue will stem from the frequency of treatments. Part of Cybin’s research is to uncover the optimum strength and duration of treatment in relation to the extent of relief it provides.
For instance, does a 6-hour trip lead to a year of contentment and a 2-hour trip only 2 months? Or will the 2-hour treatment still provide the participant with 12 months in recovery?
Cybin aims to find out.
The goal is to assist as many sufferers as possible. In our time-starved society, shorter treatment times may be more appealing. Consequently, the increased frequency of treatments would lead to recurring revenue streams.
This is just one of the compelling reasons investors are eager to buy shares in Cybin.

#Enhancing the path to profitability
Cybin is taking a parallel path to profitability by channeling its focus on more than one revenue stream.
Along with treatment regimens for psychiatric disorders and advancing its portfolio of next-generation therapeutics, Cybin is in partnership with ground-breaking mind-mapping company Kernel.
Kernel is developing a miniaturized a mind-reading helmet to aid in researching brain destruction caused by concussion, aging, psychedelic excursions, stroke, and meditations.
Kernel is run by the founder of Braintree, now a division of PayPal.
Partnering with this bioscience start-up is a strategic move by Cybin. Kernel is bringing the brain online via the blockchain. Therefore, it stands to be a vital tool in furthering Cybin’s agenda to create the optimum range of therapeutics tailored to specific mental health disorders.
Cybin’s first Kernel flow study is underway to understand how best to use this revolutionary device. This will help make breakthroughs in identifying how best to administer the neuro-regenerative properties of therapeutics in repairing and creating neural pathways.
#Therapy training program
This approach to mental health therapy is much more than simply administering a drug. This is particularly true with psychedelics, where set and setting are paramount to success. Therapists are required before, during, and after treatment, which requires a much higher number of trained therapists than currently available.
Cybin plans to develop a consistent level of practical care. This begins with coherent therapy training to ensure enough therapists are available when Cybin’s proprietary drugs come to market.
It is also building a relationship with an extensive network of clinics in preparation for supervised in-clinic treatment sessions.
Cybin’s vision is to eliminate the stigma surrounding these treatments, train therapists consistently, and build the infrastructure to offer consumers a one-stop-shop to meet their psychedelic therapeutic needs.
Download the investor deck to learn how early investors could profit!
#Quality team
Cybin has a quality team at the helm with a shared vision for success. Their backgrounds span working for some of the world’s top pharmaceutical companies, including Merck, Elan, GSK, Sanofi, Eli Lilly, and UCB.
CEO Doug Drysdale has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years. He also has extensive M&A experience and several prior years at the CEO level. He’s helped grow both private and public start-ups and enjoys being involved in a high-growth environment.
The management team is driven by the bold approach Cybin is taking in tackling depression and addiction. Between them, they have raised over $4bn within the healthcare sector for both private and public companies.
The co-founders and management team owns over 25% of the company’s shares, which is reassuring from an investor perspective. With founder control comes a desire to succeed and the motivation to benefit all shareholders.
Cybin has a much smaller market cap than its billion-dollar competitors Compass Pathways and MindMed. With Cybin’s programs, IP, and phenomenal team, it’s undoubtedly undervalued compared to its peers.
The company has already successfully attracted significant funding from institutional investors in the blue-chip biotech sector. These are long-term holders with a belief in the company.
Therefore, Cybin is well-funded to progress its clinical trials, M&A, and IP strategies. To date, it has already raised over C$120M.
Cybin is publicly listed on NEO and more recently joined the NYSE American. This will significantly improve liquidity and open the investment opportunity to the broader retail market.
The de-scheduling of illegal hallucinogens is gradually taking place worldwide, ensuring some level of legal access is underway. There’s already a safely controlled framework operating in Oregon.
This is an exciting space to be invested in as the total addressable market is vast, translating to a money-spinning opportunity for early investors.
Cybin’s unique selling point is a faster, more efficient treatment. This will have widespread appeal as it will be easier to scale.
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