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Lithium Americas Split Highlights Growth Opportunities

By Duncan Ferris

Aug 15, 2023

3 min read

The split of Lithium Americas (LAC) into two different companies has been approved by shareholders, with the company touting the significant potential of both operations.

Future looking alternative energy technology concept with a digital lithium ion rechargeable battery symbol

Shareholders of Lithium Americas Corp (NYSE: LAC) have agreed to plans that will see the company split into two separate entities.

The division into Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp and Lithium Americas Corp was approved by 98.85% of shareholder votes, with the split expected to be completed in early October. Even so, the move remains subject to regulatory approvals.

When first announcing its intention to split into two businesses back in November 2022, Lithium Americas argued that doing so was the best way for its operations to reach their full potential whilst also unlocking shareholder value.

Lithium Americas President and CEO Jonathan Evans commented:

"“We are delighted to see our shareholders’ overwhelming support for the Separation. Following the Separation, the Lithium Americas team is committed to advancing the Thacker Pass project toward production to support the critical North American lithium supply chain. “Meanwhile, the Lithium Argentina team will advance Caucharí-Olaroz toward full commercial production and pursue development opportunities in its significant growth pipeline in Argentina.”"

The North American Lithium Americas business will inherit the Thacker Pass Lithium Project and pre-existing investments in Green Technology Metals and Ascend Elements. The business is optimistic that Thacker Pass, which is the largest known measured and indicated lithium resource in the United States, could become a large-scale mining operation.

Meanwhile, Lithium Americas (Argentina) will take ownership of the Pastos Grandes lithium brine project, Sal de la Puna and the Caucharí-Olaroz lithium carbonate brine operation.

The latter project, which is jointly owned with Ganfeng Lithium (OTC: GNENF) and state-run outfit JEMSE, is expected to develop into a low-cost brine lithium carbonate operation.

The project produced its first lithium in early June, though extra equipment is required in order for it to generate a product which is of battery-quality.

Even so, this has been touted as the first step in a project which has been touted as having a production capacity of 40,000 tonnes per annum.

Pastos Grandes was acquired in December 2021 from Millennial Lithium, while the nearby Sal de la Puna project was snapped up as part of Lithium Americas’ acquisition of Arena Minerals towards the end of 2022.

As such, both of the new companies are some way from operating at full capacity and remain at the development stage, with Lithium Americas yet to generate any revenue. But the business has still attracted investment and offtake agreements from General Motors (NYSE: GM), demonstrating the allure of budding lithium projects.

#Conquering the NEW Lithium Frontier

Leaving the traditional large-cap landscape, Eureka Lithium, a mining company listed on the CSE, shines a spotlight on a captivating investment opportunity in the junior exploration sector.

There's a global surge in demand for lithium due to its critical role in the production of electric vehicle batteries and other applications driving the global energy transition. With so many growing industries crying out for lithium, global demand for lithium carbonate equivalent is expected to soar from 500,000 metric tonnes to as much as 4 million between 2021 and 2030, according to Mckinsey.

That’s why Eureka Lithium’s strategic positioning in Quebec’s next lithium frontier presents a compelling opportunity.

Eureka Lithium has secured a leading land position for lithium exploration within Nunavik, an under-explored region that has a near-ideal structural setting for spodumene-bearing pegmatites. Some experts, like award-winning prospector Shawn Ryan, are convinced this is the next major lithium district in North America. 

With a vast expanse of 1,408 square kilometers of prime land, Eureka Lithium can execute an extensive near-term exploration program, leading the way in identifying and capitalizing on valuable lithium resources in this exciting new frontier.

There’s good reason to think this could be fruitful, with data from the Quebec government’s sediment database showing Eureka’s land owned as having the largest lithium concentrations in the 99th percentile of the ENTIRE province.

The company's focus on this exciting new frontier puts it in a favorable position to take advantage of skyrocketing lithium demand.

If you're seeking alternatives to the same old market leaders, Eureka Lithium, an under-the-radar find, is worth your attention.

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