Shell to Cut 200 Jobs in Low-Carbon Unit by 2024

By Patricia Miller


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Shell aims to cut 200 jobs in its clean energy division by 2024, failing to win a federal hydrogen grant but committing up to $15bn for low-carbon technologies.

Shell flags flying oil and gas.
Shell CEO Wael Sawan Eyes Decarbonization Despite Cuts

What You Need To Know

Shell (NYSE: SHEL) plans to eliminate 200 jobs in its low-carbon solutions unit by 2024. While the division focuses on Shell's clean energy transition, including hydrogen, the company intends to redistribute some of the affected roles across its vast workforce of over 90,000 employees. An additional 130 roles will be scrutinized throughout 2024. This move is part of a larger strategy spearheaded by CEO Wael Sawan to reposition Shell as a leader in the decarbonization sector, even though the company's revenue largely depends on oil and gas production.

Shell's decision to cut jobs coincides with its recent failure to secure a grant from a $7 billion federal fund designated for hydrogen energy development. The company had hoped to leverage these funds for a hydrogen hub in Louisiana but did not make the final list of awardees. Despite this setback, Shell commits to investing between $10 and $15 billion in low-carbon energy technologies over the next two years, covering biofuels, hydrogen, carbon capture, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Meanwhile, Shell maintains its oil production levels through 2030, aiming to stabilize investor confidence as its renewable ventures lag. The company faces lawsuits for its insufficient efforts to combat climate change and meet Paris Agreement targets. While Shell and other oil majors are scrutinized for their environmental impacts, rivals like Exxon Mobil and Chevron are intensifying their focus on fossil fuels. Shell's future in a clean energy landscape remains a critical question for its long-term viability.

Why This Is Important for Retail Investors

  1. Risk Assessment: Retail investors who hold or consider buying SHEL stock should closely monitor these changes as they could affect the company's future profitability and valuation. Shedding jobs in the low-carbon unit might suggest a shift in focus or potential bottlenecks in Shell's transition to renewable energy.

  2. Investment Strategy: The company's continued commitment to oil production through 2030 offers a dual investment narrative. On one hand, Shell is diversifying into renewables; on the other, it is maintaining its core oil business. Retail investors must decide how this aligns with their own long-term investment strategies and risk tolerance.

  3. Regulatory and Legal Risks: Shell faces multiple lawsuits relating to climate change and could potentially incur heavy penalties. Retail investors need to factor in these legal risks when evaluating Shell as a viable investment option. The outcome of such lawsuits can have significant impacts on stock prices.

  4. Competitive Landscape: Shell's inability to secure a federal grant for hydrogen energy highlights the intensifying competition in the renewable energy sector. Investors should scrutinize how Shell stacks up against its competitors like Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) and Chevron (NYSE: CVX), who are also navigating the shift from fossil fuels but with differing strategies.

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  5. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The growing trend toward ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing means that Shell's actions in the environmental sphere could either attract or repel a significant segment of retail investors. Shell’s progress or setbacks in achieving its net-zero emissions goal by 2050 could be a deciding factor for those who prioritize sustainable investing.

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How Can You Use This Information?

Here are some of the investing ideas that can be explored using this information:

Value Investing

  • Investors could see the job cuts and restructuring as a sign that Shell is optimizing its operations for higher efficiency, potentially making the stock undervalued in the short term. A more streamlined operation could lead to increased profitability down the line. However, the legal risks and failure to secure federal grants might also signal that the stock is cheap for a reason.

Growth Investing

  • Shell's commitment to invest up to $15 billion in low-carbon technologies over the next two years indicates a focus on growth in the renewable energy sector. If Shell succeeds in establishing a strong foothold here, it could offer substantial growth potential. But investors must weigh this against the company's current reliance on oil and gas for revenue.

Momentum Investing

  • Those looking to capitalize on market trends could keep an eye on how the stock reacts to news about job cuts, legal challenges, or future grants for renewable projects. If Shell stock shows strong positive or negative trends based on such news, momentum investors might find short-term opportunities.

ESG Investing

  • For those focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance factors, the news presents a mixed bag. Shell's commitment to renewable energy could be a positive, but its legal challenges and continued focus on oil and gas may deter ESG-focused investors.

Sector Rotation

  • Investors might use this information to consider adjusting their allocations between traditional energy stocks and renewable energy companies, depending on how they see Shell and its competitors adapting to the evolving energy landscape.

Dividend Investing

  • Shell has a strong dividend history. If the company can successfully transition toward more sustainable forms of energy while maintaining its oil and gas operations, it might sustain or even grow its dividends, making it attractive for those looking for steady income.

Contrarian Investing

  • Given the current scrutiny of Shell's environmental record and its missed opportunity for federal grants, a contrarian investor might see this as an opportunity to buy when sentiment is negative, anticipating a future turnaround in the company's fortunes.

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Patricia Miller does not hold any position in the stock(s) and/or financial instrument(s) mentioned in the above article.

Patricia Miller has not been paid to produce this piece by the company or companies mentioned above.

Digitonic Ltd, the owner of, does not hold a position or positions in the stock(s) and/or financial instrument(s) mentioned in the above article.

Digitonic Ltd, the owner of, has not been paid for the production of this piece by the company or companies mentioned above.

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