Top 10 Global Producers of Natural Graphite

By Patricia Miller


Disseminated on behalf of Graphite One Inc. ValueTheMarkets, a trading name of Digitonic Ltd., was compensated by Graphite One Inc. fifty thousand US dollars per month for a 12-month period starting 24 April 2024 until 23 April 2025 to produce and disseminate this. Digitonic Ltd. does not own a position in Graphite One Inc.

In this article

China leads global graphite production, critical for lithium-ion batteries. The U.S. aims to boost domestic production to enhance security and reduce import dependency.

VTM Infographic Top 10 Global Producers Of Natural Graphite.

A few key players dominate the global landscape of natural graphite production. These countries supply the essential raw material for various industries and shape the dynamics of the global graphite market.

​​Graphite is a critical element in the making of lithium-ion batteries which power a wide range of modern technologies from smartphones to electric vehicles (EVs), energy storage systems and an array of industrial applications including for the military and aerospace sectors.

Who Are The Top Natural Graphite Producers Worldwide?

Who are the top natural graphite producers worldwide? The 10 countries leading in the production of natural graphite are:

  1. China: Produced 1,230,000 metric tons. This staggering figure represents about 77% of the total global production, underscoring China's dominance in this sector.

  2. Madagascar: Produced 100,000 metric tons. The country’s rich deposits and growing mining industry are pivotal to its contribution.

  3. Mozambique: Yielded 96,000 metric tons. The country's graphite mines are among the most productive in Africa, bolstering its position in the global market.

  4. Brazil: Delivered 73,000 metric tons. Known for its high-quality graphite, Brazil remains a significant player in the industry.

  5. South Korea: Generated 27,000 metric tons. The country's focus on advanced technologies and manufacturing has driven its need for natural graphite.

  6. Russia: Supplied 16,000 metric tons. The country's vast mineral resources support its steady production levels.

  7. India: Contributed 11,500 metric tons. The country is working to increase its graphite output to meet both domestic and international demand.

  8. North Korea: Accounted for 8,100 metric tons.

  9. Norway: Produced 7,200 metric tons. Known for its high environmental standards, Norway is a reliable source of natural graphite.

  10. Tanzania: Yielded 6,000 metric tons. Its emerging mining sector is gradually boosting its contribution to the global graphite market.

Discover Graphite One’s plans to transform the U.S. graphite industry.

What are Graphite's Properties and Importance?

Graphite's unique properties, such as high electrical conductivity, thermal stability, and lubricity, make it indispensable in various high-tech and industrial applications. These include energy storage systems, electronic devices, and advanced manufacturing processes.

Technological and Environmental Impact

The rising demand for EVs and renewable energy solutions significantly drives graphite consumption. Graphite's role in reducing carbon emissions and supporting green technologies underscores its environmental benefits.

Future projections indicate continued growth in graphite consumption, driven by technological advancements.

How Much Graphite Is Produced by the U.S.?

In 2023, the United States did not produce natural graphite domestically but consumed 76,000 tons, primarily in the Great Lakes and Northeast regions. The main uses included batteries, brake linings, lubricants, powdered metals, refractory applications, and steelmaking. The U.S. imported approximately 84,000 tons of natural graphite, heavily relying on foreign sources.

Discover Graphite One’s plans to transform the U.S. graphite industry.

U.S. National Security and Domestic Graphite Production

The United States currently imports 100% of its natural graphite supply, which poses significant risks to supply chain stability and national security. The heavy reliance on foreign sources, particularly China, makes the U.S. vulnerable to supply disruptions and geopolitical tensions. 

To address these vulnerabilities, there is a growing emphasis on developing domestic graphite production capabilities. Increasing local mining and processing capabilities could reduce dependency on imports and enhance the resilience of the U.S. supply chain. Initiatives to explore and develop domestic graphite sources are crucial for ensuring a stable and secure supply for industries vital to national security and economic stability.

What Is The Future Prospects For Graphite?

With the demand for lithium-ion batteries and energy storage solutions driving increased graphite consumption, the development of domestic sources and production facilities will be crucial.

Projects funded through initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act and the Defense Production Act highlight the strategic importance of enhancing domestic graphite production to support national security and economic stability.

The top ten producers of natural graphite in 2023 highlight the global distribution of this essential mineral. While China remains the dominant force, other countries contribute significantly to the market. For the United States, addressing the current dependency on imported graphite is vital for maintaining national security and industrial stability. Efforts to revitalize domestic graphite production are not just strategic but necessary for a secure and sustainable future.

Investing in American Graphite

Graphite One Inc. (G1) (TSX-V: GPH) (OTCQX: GPHOF), a potential market leader in the US graphite space, anticipates developing a sophisticated supply chain for advanced graphite materials.

By controlling the full production cycle — from extraction at Graphite Creek to manufacturing battery anodes and recycling used materials in Ohio — Graphite One can ensure quality, reduce import dependency, and adhere to stringent environmental standards.

Graphite One's planned approach is not just about capturing the value chain from raw graphite to finished products. It's about positioning the company as a pivotal player in the green technology revolution, ensuring long-term viability and a calculated advantage in a competitive market, a position that secures the future of this graphite-focused tech enterprise while fostering domestic sustainability and economic growth.

The powerful backing of the United States Government validates G1's ambitious plans. In addition to a White House invitation, G1 has already received two significant government grants from the Department of Defense (DoD).

  1. The first grant is an exceptional $37.5 million towards its feasibility study1.

  2. The second is an impressive $4.7 million to develop a graphite-based foam fire suppressant2.

Better still, substantial Federal support for the industry continues, which G1 plans to also tap into3.

Graphite One's triple-faceted domestic supply chain solution is strategically designed to reduce US dependency on China for graphite.

With its forward-thinking approach, Graphite One is not just planning to meet current market demands but also anticipating the future needs of a tech-driven world.

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