Thanks for your interest in our website. We get lots of guest post offers, and we only accept the highest quality, so we developed this document to give you the best chance at success. Please take the time to read through it all.

About Value the Markets

We pride ourselves on being the go-to resource for retail investors from all backgrounds - from beginners to seasoned experts. We provide high-quality, in-depth analysis with a primarily North American focus that is entertaining, engaging and informative. Types of articles we produce include: educational, analysis, news, reports, company deep dives, sector breakdowns, ‘how to’ guides and more.

Tone of Voice

Our tone of voice has been developed to appear informal and friendly and is crucially free of financial and technical jargon where possible. This allows us to engage with a wider audience and be seen as a resource for regular consumption.

We’ve developed the FACTS acronym to guide our tone and style: 

  • Friendly: We want our readers to feel like they’re reading something written by a close friend, so try to keep it light and not too dry.

  • Authoritative: We believe we’re an authority in this industry and pride ourselves on being an excellent source of information no matter the reader’s experience level. 

  • Conversational: Too much investment content is far too formal and full of financial jargon, we actively work against this stereotype with our content.

  • Trustworthy: Our readers know they’re reading a trusted source that provides honest, accurate information. A source they are happy to share with friends and colleagues.

  • Savvy: We know a thing or two about this industry and we love using our expertise to help our readers.

Third-Party Content Operations

Follow these tips - and you’re well on your way to getting published on VTM. 

Do Your Research: Take the time to check and see if we’ve written about your proposed topic in advance. Even if we have, we may still be interested if you have a new or up-to-date perspective.

Be Ready to Collaborate: We like to collaborate on the topic and title of all content that goes on our site to ensure relevancy for our audience. Please don’t start writing until we have agreed on these parts together. 

Stick to Deadlines: Please provide us with a deadline of when you expect to have the copy finished. This allows us to plan time for proofing and publishing your article. Please also note that failure to meet these guidelines may result in the article not being published on time. 

Our Preferred Format: Please submit articles to us as a Google doc if at all possible. Just remember to change the settings so that anyone with the link can edit the document. Any edits we make to the piece will be done here for you to see and agree on. 

Guest Post Guidelines

A few general pointers to help you on your way…

Article length: Articles should be at least 1000 words. We have found that this is the ideal length of article for engaging with our audience. (must use US English)

Style: Please ensure the article makes use of visual elements such as subheaders, bullet points, quotations, etc. to break up the copy and make it more engaging.

Originality: We will only accept content that is original and for the sole use of our channels. We will not accept duplicate or syndicated content under any circumstances. Any articles we later find are added to other sources will be removed if these cause duplicate content issues with search engines, and in this situation, we reserve the right to refuse refunds for paid sponsored content.

Editorial Oversight:  We retain editorial oversight of the article as well as the related articles that appear on the page. This includes anything from removing too much self-promotion to optimizing for SEO and other textual edits.

Featured Image: Each article must come with a featured image as a minimum, along with the cited source (URL) and usage rights/permissions or source URL if using a stock image. The image must be in 16:9 aspect ratio and at a minimum size of 1200 x 675 pixels. 

Author Credit: All our guest post articles will be credited as VTM Contributor

Backlinks: We will include one dofollow backlink.

Sources: If you’re planning on dropping some statistics in the article, please cite and link to the source which should be reputable and trustworthy.

Other Things to Include

  • Excerpt & Meta Description: 90 – 150 characters.

  • Title: 75 characters max, in title case and including the primary keyword.

  • Contractions are encouraged to aid conversational tone.

  • Acronyms should be written in full in the first use

  • Any technical terms which need to be included should be explained


Please feel free to promote the article on your social media channels or email newsletters - you can even link to it from your own site if you like. Please send us examples of where you have promoted the article for our reference.